
We have managed school copyright licences since the early 1990s and operate a number of copyright licences in the education sector that schools typically require on a daily basis.

CEFM managed licences

Our managed licences are:

  • Educational Recording agency (ERA) – Schools
  • Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) – Schools
  • PRS for Music: Public performance – schools
  • PRS for Music: Public performance – FE colleges
  • PRS Digital Music Licence for Schools
  • Public Video Screening Licence (PVSL) – Schools
  • Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL): Public performance – schools
  • PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools
  • Schools Printed Music Licence (SPML) – Schools

Further information regarding these licences can be found within this section of our website.

We have acquired a reputation with schools and education authorities as an excellent source of information. Our help and advice line team respond to queries on a daily basis, providing clear and concise information about education licensing.

Licensing help and advice line

Our licensing help and advice line is available from 9am to 5pm including the school holidays, and provides:

  • A comprehensive advisory service available to schools and local authority officers via a single point of contact
  • Access to licensing experts who answer detailed questions regarding all licences operated by us, provide overviews of other school licences and explain how they all fit together
  • Responses from trained and experienced members of staff who are long standing employees of CEFM
  • Responses to queries submitted via telephone email and fax
  • An immediate response to questions regarding the need for a particular licence
  • Complete advice – if we are unable to answer a query immediately, we contact our established contacts at our licensing clients to discuss individual queries and then provide the answers to the school rather than just referring them to our licensing clients
  • Written records of telephone conversations, emails and letters received, easily accessible by school or local authority
  • Continuing advice – we have a call logging system which ensures that any member of our helpline team is able to access previous queries and provide on-going advice if required
  • Unlimited use.

If you are a UK school and would like to ask a question regarding the licences CEFM help administer, please complete our ask a question form.