
Our mediators can help you to resolve conflict in the workplace, before it escalates.

Workplace mediation can be used to resolve conflict and is an effective alternative to costly and time consuming internal procedures. Our mediators support your parties to reach a resolution at an early stage, to prevent matters escalating into a formal dispute.

Our mediators do not focus on the reasons for the conflict, try to apportion blame or necessarily resolve the issue(s). We concentrate solely on the future and how the parties can cooperate when they are back in the workplace.

Our accredited and experienced mediators can support your school or MAT with:

  • Assisting the two or more parties who are in dispute to try to reach a mutual and manageable agreement as to how they will work better together in the future
  • Providing an impartial service, reducing the potential for further conflict
  • Ensuring correct procedure is followed
  • Saving you time and costs in dealing with workplace disputes

Any of our additional HR consultancy services for members can be agreed up front or purchased pay as you go, with a clear fixed fee.

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