We provide access to a team of occupational health specialists to help you manage your school’s employee health, wellbeing and sickness.
New entrant questionnaires (NEQs)
Providing a medical questionnaire that is accessible via a secure web-based portal, ensuring a paperless and fast outcome for your school.
Management referrals to occupational health unit
Referrals are structured to provide you with a diagnosis and prognosis of your employee’s condition. We offer national coverage.
Physiotherapy and counselling
Stress and musculoskeletal injuries are the most common causes of long-term absence in the public sector and, after minor illness, are also the top causes of short-term absence. These cases respond best to early intervention.
Our service provides fast access to a physiotherapist or counselling service nationally. Each individual’s case is assessed and progress is benchmarked ensuring the treatment is focused on returning the individual to the workplace effectively.
Any of our additional HR consultancy services for members can be agreed up front or purchased pay as you go, with a clear fixed fee.