Policies & resources

We have a range of policies, tools and resources to help you manage your school or academy more effectively.

Through our core education consultancy service, members have access to our online CEFMi subscription service, which provides your school with all of the policies, resources and templates you need in one place.

CEFMi is a unique comprehensive policy, guidance and advice web service containing over 7,000 pages of text, including over 170 policies written specifically for schools.

No other website offers such a complete service specifically written for schools. Recognised as one of the most comprehensive online resources for school managers, it offers a single resource, blending policies, documents, updates, model forms and advice all in one location.

Explore CEFMi

Our members also receive a single monthly CEFMinform newsletter, and regular education updates, helping you to respond to national changes quickly and confidently.

We deliver high-impact events and seminars nationally to ensure that school leaders and managers have the skills and knowledge to respond to the issues that matter most.

Each week we add new insights to our website on the issues and challenges impacting schools.

For a no obligation quotation please click the button below, or to request a visit from one of our team to discuss CEFM membership for your school, call 01494 459183 or email sales@cefm.co.uk.

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What sort of School & Academy Policies does CEFMi provide?

School Safeguarding Policy
See our list of Safeguarding policies for schools featured in our CEFMi portal

School Sickness Policy
See our list of illness and attendance policies for schools featured in our CEFMi portal

School Health & Safety Policy
See our list of workplace safety policies for schools featured in our CEFMi portal

School Behaviour Policy
See our list of discipline & conduct policies for schools featured in our CEFMi portal

School Equality Policy
See our list of inclusion policies for schools featured in our CEFMi portal

Schools Disciplinary Policy
See our list of academy disciplinary policies featured in our CEFMi portal

Teaching and Learning Policy
See our list of school work and class policies featured in our CEFMi portal

Confidentiality policy in schools
See our list of school privacy/GDPR Policies featured in our CEFMi portal

Acceptable use policy for schools
See our list of school technical policies featured in our CEFMi portal