Workplace features to ease menstruation and menopause symptoms
Motionspot, a design specialist, has surveyed 2,000 office workers who experience menstruation or menopause and has partnered with the Women in Work Summit to explore and raise the profile of the topic further.
Useful features
The research highlighted that 48% of respondents lack access to the most useful feature to manage pain and discomfort at work, that is, fresh air. The most attractive workplace features noted by those completing the survey included the following:
- Fresh air.
- Comfortable desk seating.
- Natural light.
- A private room to decompress.
- Temperature controlled spaces.
- More focus rooms with less distractions.
The most common features that were not available included having a place to lie down, a hot bath or shower and a dark or dimly lit space.
Simple to implement
The results revealed that while many of the changes were relatively simple to implement, they were absent from a significant number of workplaces.
Impact on mood and concentration
The research also revealed that hormones associated with menstruation had the greatest impact. These included conditions such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Such negative effects of hormonal fluctuations impacted on matters such as mood, concentration and motivation at work.
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