
Updated Home Office guidance – Employer’s guide to right to work checks

Posted on February 26th, 2024

The Home Office has updated its guidance Employer’s guide to right to work checks. The guidance applies to right to work checks conducted on or after 13 February 2024. The most significant updates relate to:

  • An increase to the maximum civil penalty for non-compliance with the Right to Work Scheme. The civil penalty for employers will be raised to £45,000 per illegal worker for a first breach and £60,000 per illegal worker for repeat breaches.
  • Right to work checks involving EEA citizens and their non-EEA family members, including those who are identified without lawful immigration status.
  • Annex B: Employment of specific categories of workers, to provide further information for employers offering supplementary employment to individuals who have immigration permission on a sponsored work route.

A link to the guidance can be found here.

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