
New or updated DfE guidance

Posted on September 25th, 2023

At the beginning of a new academic year, the following information about new or updated DfE guidance may be useful. This list is probably not exhaustive!

We have also included reminders of policies that schools are required to review annually.

New statutory guidance and updates


Documents to keep updated on a continuous basis

  • Admission and attendance registers.
  • Single central record.
  • Register of business interests of the headteacher and governors/trustees.
  • Statutory website information.

Documents to be reviewed annually–- therefore during 2023/24

  • Trust schemes of delegation.
  • Governors’ skills audit.
  • Staffing structure.
  • Teachers’ pay policy and appraisal arrangements (in order to clarify the approach to making performance based pay decisions).
  • Admission arrangements.
  • Child protection policy and procedures.
  • SEND.
  • Health and safety.
  • There is also a range of policies that the government recommends that schools review annually, but the actual frequency of reviewing is up to governing boards to decide. See the DfE guidance document Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts March 2022.

Documents to be reviewed every three years

  • Accessibility plan.

Documents to be reviewed every four years

  • Public sector equality duty.

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