
Occupational health consultation

Posted on September 13th, 2023

The government has introduced a package of two consultations about occupational health. The first consultation ‘Occupational health: working better’ seeks views on proposals aimed at increasing employer use of occupational health (OH) services. The second ‘Tax incentives for occupational health’ is aimed at employers and explores the role of tax incentives in boosting occupational health provisions by employers. Together the consultations will inform the government’s approach to supporting occupational health provision.

Long term sickness

Long-term sickness is now the main reason people of working age give for being economically inactive. Occupational health can help employers provide work-based support to manage their employee’s health conditions and a return to work.

Increase OH coverage

The consultation ‘focuses on the role of the government, OH providers and employers, in increasing OH coverage across the UK, within the broader context of enabling better workplace support to improve productivity and prevent ill-health related job loss’. It is hoped that the consultation will establish agreement and partnership between government, employers and OH providers to enable greater OH take-up and for businesses to take bolder steps to support employee health in the workplace.

Closing date

The consultations close at 11.59pm on 12 October 2023. They can be found at Occupational health: working better and Tax incentives for occupational health.

Need support with your HR?

Our support means you can focus on education, while we take care of your organisation’s HR needs.

We provide access to a team of occupational health specialists to help you manage your school’s employee health, wellbeing and sickness. Get in touch for a free consultation about how we can help you.

The occupational health section of our CEFMi website contains information, FAQs and related forms. Get a free trial of CEFMi – a comprehensive resource for school managers containing over 7,000 pages of text, including over 170 policies written specifically for schools.