Government support with employee health and disability
The government has introduced a new online service to provide information and advice to support and manage employees with disabilities or other health conditions. The service is aimed at smaller businesses, which may not have access to internal advisors or occupational advisors, to help them better manage people with disabilities and conditions and to develop a more inclusive workforce.
The online tool is a work-in-progress that will be developed over the next three years. It allows the user to go through a variety of questions to support and guide them with:
- Managing absences and keeping in touch.
- Having conversations with their employee, in and out of work.
- Deciding on changes to help the employee stay or come back to work.
The questions are situation-based questions which will hopefully enable managers and employers to support employees and to understand the legal obligations.
While the service is aimed at smaller businesses, it can be used by anyone. A link to the service can be found here.
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