Frequently asked questions

Please note that the following information on copyright is intended as a guide only. The information is not a comprehensive statement of the law and is not intended to constitute legal advice.

If you have a question regarding the PRS Digital Music Licence for Schools, please do contact us.

The Department for Education (DfE) and Education Authority Northern Ireland (EANI) have each agreed and paid for a licence to cover state-maintained schools* in England and Northern Ireland respectively.

* Schools covered by the DfE and EANI licences include all state-maintained schools (including, but not limited to, free schools, academies and pupil referral units, and any nurseries, pre-schools or playgroups forming part of any school, but, for the avoidance of doubt, excluding sixth form colleges, universities and other institutions of further and higher education) in England.

If your school is not covered by the above and you are unsure whether your school has a PRS Digital Music Licence for Schools, please contact us.

The annual licence fee is calculated according to student numbers across the entire school, including attached nursery and sixth forms.

The per pupil fee for the April 2025 – March 2026 licensing year is £0.83p

There is no minimum fee.