Tariff and terms

PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools


The annual licence fee is calculated according to student numbers across the entire school, including attached nursery and sixth forms and is a per pupil fee. The per pupil fee for the Apr 2025 – Mar 2026 licensing year is £0.50p and there is no minimum fee.

The Department for Education (DfE) has agreed and paid for the PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools and PPL Public Performance Licences to cover state-maintained* schools in England.

* including, but not limited to, free schools, academies and pupil referral units, and any nurseries, pre-schools or playgroups forming part of any school, but, for the avoidance of doubt, excluding sixth form colleges, universities and other institutions of further and higher education.

If you are unsure if you are correctly licensed, please contact CEFM on ppldigital@cefm.co.uk or 01494 836 258.


A printer friendly version of the terms is contained within the Information Pack.