Please note that the following information on copyright is intended as a guide only. The information is not a comprehensive statement of the law and is not intended to constitute legal advice. If you have a question not covered by those below, please do contact us.
Yes, you can copy up to a maximum of 5,000 legitimately purchased tracks in total to the school’s servers to be used for educational purposes. A fee of £70 per additional 1,000 tracks or part thereof is payable. Please contact us on / 01494 836 258 and we will issue the relevant invoice. Please note that the tracks will only be treated as being licensed once the invoice is paid in full.
Yes, these can be hosted on the school’s website for parents and relatives to view.
Yes, you can stream it directly from the school’s website or via an online meeting platform such as Zoom, Teams or Google meet.
Yes, you can charge parents/relatives to watch the live streaming of school events as long as any fees charged go entirely to the school or a charity supported by the school.
Yes, the following educational platforms can be used within lessons and/or extra-curricular work by teachers and pupils. Teams, Zoom, SharePoint, Goggle meetings, Google classroom.
Yes, the use of any Disney tracks and/or characters in school plays, end of year concerts, gymnastic routines etc requires written permission from the Walt Disney Company Limited in advance of any use.
No, the licence only covers the school for the teaching of the curriculum and for events and supporting activities that occur with persons with a direct affiliation to the school and its pupils as part of the day-to-day life at the school.
Any usage by individuals not directly associated with the school and/or operated on a commercial basis are not covered under the licence.
Yes, the licence covers each school to produce a maximum of 1,000 CDs/DVDs containing a maximum of 120 minutes of music each year.
Yes, you can include clips of school events that contain music such as concerts or plays.
You can also use recorded music as a soundtrack to a prospectus or school tour but cannot use more than one track by any artist or do anything that suggest an artist has any affiliation to or supports the school.
The licence allows the school to post videos or clips of school events that contain music, such as a school play, on social media. It does not however allow you to you to superimpose any tracks over social media content if the track was not originally being used at the time of the event taking place.
For the Licence Year commencing 1 April 2025 the fee is 50 pence per pupil enrolled in the school at the beginning of the Licence Year.