The PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools is available for all schools in the United Kingdom
The Department for Education (DfE) has agreed and paid for a licence to cover state-maintained schools in England. Schools covered by the DfE licences include all state-maintained schools (including, but not limited to, free schools, academies and pupil referral units, and any nurseries, pre-schools or playgroups forming part of any school, but, for the avoidance of doubt, excluding sixth form colleges, universities and other institutions of further and higher education) in England.
If your school is not covered by this agreement and you are unsure if you are correctly licensed please contact us.
PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools application form (PDF)
If you are a UK school and do not currently hold a PPL Digital Copying and Streaming Licence for Schools but would like to, please download and complete the application form.
Please complete all the sections and email back to or send it by post – see our contact details »