Neonatal leave and pay
The government has confirmed that from April 2025, parents with babies in neonatal care will be entitled to additional time-off as a day-one right. This follows the passing of the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act in 2023.
The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 (Commencement No.2) Regulations 2025 have been laid before Parliament and, subject to approval, it is expected the right will take effect from 6 April 2025. This new right will support families to be by their child’s side without having to work throughout or use up existing leave.
Neonatal care leave will be available to parents of babies who are admitted into neonatal care up to 28 days old and who have a continuous stay in hospital of seven full days or longer. Eligible parents will be able to take up to 12 weeks of leave on top of any other leave they are entitled to, including maternity and paternity leave. Statutory neonatal care pay will also be available for parents who meet continuity of service requirements and a minimum earnings threshold.
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