Employment Rights Bill – factsheets
The Government has produced further details on the Employment Rights Bill, introduced into the House of Commons on 10 October 2024, in the form of 10 fact sheets.
The first is an overview of the Employment Rights Bill which includes a summary of what the Bill aims to do and the timetable for implementation.
Notably, consultation is not expected to start until 2025 with the exception of consultations on zero hours measures to agency workers, modernising trade union legislation and statutory sick pay, which are expected to start before the end of this year.
The Government wants to ensure businesses have time to prepare for the Bill’s implementation and therefore expects that most reforms will take effect no earlier than 2026.
The subsequent nine factsheets vary in length from a few pages to thirteen and are:
- Adult social care negotiating body.
- Bereavement, paternity and unpaid parental leave.
- Fair work agency.
- Fire and rehire.
- School support staff negotiating body.
- Statutory sick pay.
- Trade unions.
- Unfair dismissal.
- Zero hour contracts.
The 10 fact sheets can be found on the GOV.UK website here.
Over the coming months, CEFM will publish articles, update affected policies on CEFMi and run management update seminars to ensure you are fully briefed on these changes once the picture is clearer.
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