
New guidance – teacher appraisal and capability procedures

Posted on September 5th, 2024

In July 2024, the DfE provided new guidance on teacher appraisal and capability procedures for maintained schools.

The updated guidance, effective from September 2024, introduces several key changes focused on reducing workload, promoting professional development, and creating a more supportive working environment.

A significant change is the removal of the mandatory link between performance-related pay and appraisals in the guidance – but schools can still link pay to performance should they choose to.

The guidance also stresses the importance of early, informal support when performance issues arise. Teachers should not be surprised by the instigation of formal capability procedures. The guidance further highlights the need to protect staff wellbeing and reduce workload, with workload and measures to address wellbeing being aspects forming part of appraisal discussions.

CEFM are in the process of reviewing and amending our appraisal and capability procedures in view of the new guidance.

We also recommend that school leaders and governors review the new guidance from the DfE available at Teacher appraisal and capability.

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